3 Tricks for Carving Out More Quality Time With Your Kids | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

It is extremely easy to get to the point in life where your mindset is always go…go…go!

However, that is not the way life is meant to be, especially when you have children. Instead, you want to make sure you are not missing out on those moments with your children by finding ways to make time even when your schedule is absolutely insane.

Fortunately, as a Pink Zebra consultant, I have plenty of experience with finding ways to carve out time with the ones who matter. Read on as I share a few ideas.

Go Back to the Old School Way of Thinking

Was everything really so bad back in the day? We weren’t always glued to our cell phones, and we actually talked with one another face to face rather than over text.

Perhaps it is time to bring back some of those old-school values, especially when it comes to interacting with your children.

Therefore, take a moment to look back at your own childhood. What are some ways you enjoyed spending time with your parents? How were they able to make time for you growing up? Or if they were just as busy, how do you wish they would have made time for you? Then, use that same thought process when creating time for your own children.

Make a Weekly Date With Your Family

You schedule important work meetings and doctor appointments, right? Right! So, why not schedule a time each week to spend quality time with your family?

Better yet, make it the same day and time every week so that your entire family recognizes that as family time.

During this time you can play a board game, go for a bike ride or even cook dinner together for a dinner and movie night. No matter what you choose, just make sure it is an activity that the entire family can do together.

Make Some Room

Some women nowadays have a “She Shed,” while some men have their “Man Cave.”

Shouldn’t there be that one room in the home that your children can go to in order to relax that isn’t their bedroom? Carve out a playroom—and make it a place where kids can spend time in comfort. And then make sure you’re spending some time in there with them!

Are you looking for a job that allows you the freedom to spend more time with your children? Learn how you can join my Pink Zebra team by visiting my website today!