3 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained During Holiday Break | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

Oh, the dreaded words every parent just waits to hear as soon as winter break begins—“I’m bored!” Well, fortunately, I’m here to tell you that help has arrived!

I want each of you to have a wonderful holiday season without the kiddos driving you crazy wanting to be entertained. That’s why I have a few suggestions to help keep them busy.

Merry Christmas!

There can be toys and games all around and kids will stay say they’re bored. But if you keep these ideas in your back pocket, you can make that boredom go away quickly!

First, have them help you with the cookie exchange this year. If you’re participating in a cookie exchange this holiday season, now would be the perfect time to ask your children to help you in the kitchen, baking and decorating cookies. And don’t worry about perfection. Let your kids be as creative as they want when decorating. Not only will it make for some interesting cookies, but it will also to help boost their creative spirit!

Second, are you running a little late on your holiday cards? Forget picking some up at the store, and have your kids draw and color on construction paper instead to use for your holiday cards to family and friends this year. Anyone can receive a holiday card, but not every one can receive a holiday card with a personalized picture drawn by your kiddos! It definitely adds a more personal touch, which is perfect for this time of year.

Finally, why not turn your winter break into an experiment with Pink Zebra Sprinkles? While Paisley is wonderful at coming up with Pink Zebra Sprinkle recipes, we are always searching for more. Have each of your kids pick out a carton or two of their favorite Sprinkles and spend a day combining different scented Sprinkles to see which ones create the best scent. Of course, you must send them to me so that I can try out the new recipe for myself, and Paisley will want in on it, too!

Again, thank you so much for your support this year with my Pink Zebra business. I hope you and your loved ones have a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

Now that you’re squared away with the kids, shouldn’t you have some entertainment for yourself? Visit my Pink Zebra website today to check out my latest collection! Plus, you might want to search the website to learn about how a career at Pink Zebra can help give you more financial freedom in 2018!