A Healthy Business Needs a Healthy Business Owner | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant
Remember, when you are a Pink Zebra consultant, you are a business owner. You are in charge of your inventory, your business plan, your finances, your team, your schedule, and so on. And in order to handle all those things and run a successful business, you need to make sure your health is ready!
Stay Healthy This Summer
With so many people taking a “break” from life this summer, now is the time to really start building your Pink Zebra business. But in order to make it a success, you need to make sure your health is a priority. Therefore, start by building healthy habits before you build a strong Pink Zebra business.
Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast that includes some combination of whole grains, lean protein and healthy fat. You need gas in order to start a car. You need food in order to kickstart your energy for the day. Grab some eggs, whole-grain toast and a piece of fruit before you get started on your work!
Second, if you are heading outside, be sure to protect your skin. Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to all exposed skin—and reapply at least every two hours while outdoors. And this isn’t just a necessity on sunny days. Even on cloudy days, 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays break through.
Third, be sure you remain hydrated throughout the day. Are you running to a Pink Zebra meeting? Bring a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated. Sip continuously throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty. By the time you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated.
Finally, try your hand at hosting a “healthy” barbecue. Chances are that you aren’t the only one trying to remain healthy this summer. Help everyone out by taking the first step and putting together a cookout that includes grilled chicken or fish, vegetable kebabs, and even grilled pineapple or peaches! You might not think of grilling fruit, but doing so unleashes some powerful flavors.
Are you healthy and ready to take on a new challenge? Contact me today about joining my Pink Zebra team!