Goodbye School, Hello Summer as a Working Mom! | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant
Do you feel like the only mom who isn’t excited about a summer with the kids? Trust me—you aren’t!
Whether you are a Pink Zebra consultant, a SAHM or a mom who works outside the home, it can be hard on all of us to make the transition from the school year to summer. But with a few steps, you can make it easier for your kids…and for yourself.
Conquer Summer as a Super Mom
Let’s look at some ways you can help make summer break a blessing for both you and your children:
Make Time for Yourself
Yes, I am making this tip No.1 because, as moms, we don’t make enough time for ourselves—and we need to.
Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. You need to fill it back up by making time for activities you enjoy and that help you relax.
If you’re worried this makes you selfish, don’t. Because if you are able to find ways to relieve your stress and have your own time, then you will be a better mom for your family. It’s the truth!
Switch It Up
Do you have a mom friend who also feels overwhelmed by summer break? Why not team up and help each other out once a week?
One day a week, you take the kids. Then, one day a week, she gets the kids for a few hours.
This can also help to make sure you not only get a break at least one day a week—but you can also schedule your you time during this day! It’s a win-win!
Start getting excited again about summer break with the kids by finding a career that allows you to work from home! Give me a call today to learn about this great opportunity with Pink Zebra!