How Houseplants Can Help Purify the Air in Your Home | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

If you pay attention to design and decor, you have likely already noticed that houseplants are having a standout moment in a major way. People are putting houseplants in every area of their homes, from sun-soaked living rooms to humid bathroom counters.

Plants are definitely a great way to add visual interest and greenery throughout the house, but did you know they have health benefits, too? Indoor plants can make people feel better for many reasons—let’s explore how!

Benefits of Having Plants Throughout Your Home

Just like with plants outdoors, plants in the home go through the process of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen—basically the opposite of what humans do. Not only will this add more oxygen into the air, but it can also eliminate harmful toxins that the plants absorb. Research by NASA has actually shown that enclosed areas should always have houseplants in order to purify the air.

In various studies, houseplants have been shown to boost focus and productivity, lessen stress levels and increase the mood of those around them. As a decor piece, plants certainly pull their weight in the “beautiful yet functional” category!

Pick the Right Plants for Your Home

While there are a host of super easy houseplants out there, it is important to think through where you will be placing them, how much you can commit to watering them and what each type of plant needs from you for the best success. The two most important things to consider are:

Beware of over-sunning. Too much sun is not a good thing, for humans or for plants. Many plants are not meant to thrive in direct sunlight, so if you have a super sunny windowsill, make sure you are monitoring your plants carefully to make sure it is not too much. Leaf burn, spotting or sudden leaf shedding can be a sign of over sunning.

Beware of overwatering. Because people love their plants so much, overwatering is one of the most common mistakes that are made. Overwatering can lead to root rot, discolored leaves and even mold growth, so be sure you’re letting the soil dry out completely between showers.

We’re all about helping you have the healthiest home possible—which involves the way it smells, too! Check out our great smelling scents to add to your home.