Is It Time for a Reset? | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

It has been a wild ride this last year and a half! No one has come out unscathed by the pandemic.

We have all been affected in one way or another, which is why I feel a “reset” could be beneficial for many of us right now in this season of life.

Are You Ready to Hit Reset This Summer?

Many people wait until Jan. 1 to hit the reset button on their life. But why wait?

Since we are in the middle of 2021, why not hit the button now in order to finish the remainder of the year off strong?

Let’s take a look at simple ways you can reset this July for the remainder of the year:

Get in Control of Your To-Do List

You wouldn’t drive blind. So, why start your day without a road map?

Creating daily and weekly to-do lists can ensure you stay on track with your goals and help you to avoid things falling through the cracks, causing stress.

Whether you do a brain dump on Sundays for the week or get your to-do list ready at the end of each work day, you want to write down your to-dos and prioritize them in order. Having these to-do lists can help you to see what type of day/week you have ahead of you and allow you to plan accordingly.

Remember, as with many things, preparation is key!

Tackle the Clutter

I don’t know about you, but I do not thrive amid chaos. When my home and/or office is cluttered, I have an extremely hard time concentrating and being productive throughout the day.

But I also don’t have hours upon hours to spend each day cleaning. Who does?

As a result, I like to do a 15-minute clutter clean-up per day. For 15 minutes each day, I set a timer and pick up clutter and organize until the buzzer goes off.

Not only does this help my mood throughout the day, but it also helps me focus on picking up around the house/office so that the clutter doesn’t get in the way of productivity.

Plus, I am better able to keep my house in order, which means not spending my weekends playing catch-up on housework. It’s a win-win!

Reinvest in Yourself

How much are you putting into yourself on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis?

I know it can feel selfish to make time for yourself. But remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Therefore, start making time in your schedule for some me-time. This includes time for healthy habits, such as getting 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week and aiming to eat healthy most of the time.

You want to be and feel as healthy as possible, both physically and mentally. Give yourself the time you deserve in order to achieve those goals.

Does hitting the reset button also mean transitioning into a new career? Contact me today about the opportunities available to you at Pink Zebra, as now might be the best time to put yourself in the driver’s seat of your own career.