Make the Most of the Holiday Season | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant
Many times people consider getting ready for the holiday season as getting out the holiday decorations, decorating the tree and buying gifts.
But the holiday season can be so much moreāit can be a time of reflecting and resetting for the coming new year.
Are you ready to make the most of the holidays? You can start by:
Determine What Worked and What Didn’t
So how did your year go with work, home and you time? Were you meeting all your goals in one area but not in others? It’s time to see where you can make adjustments to become better balanced in 2019.
For instance, perhaps you got that promotion at work you had your eye on all year, but you haven’t been able to have any me time to read the book that has been on your nightstand for months.
You need to have enough from each category of your life to feel more fulfilled. Therefore, start making sure your family and you, along with your job, get enough of your attention by scheduling out time for all categories.
Schedule Necessary Appointments
While there are times that appointments are needed on a last-minute basis (like when someone falls ill or a tooth chips), there are those appointments you must have every year to keep your health maintained.
From a yearly mammogram and physical to your six-month dental check, you know these appointments need to happen some time during the year.
Therefore, in order to get the best appointment time for your schedule, go ahead and start making these appointments now for 2019. That way you go ahead and have the appointment in your calendar, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting for next year.
Become a Morning Person
Finally, if you haven’t become one yet, it is time to start becoming more of a morning person. By becoming a morning person, you can give yourself the gift of time, as well as start your morning off as stress-free as possible.
Do you always feel your mornings are rushed? You are running out the door unprepared? By waking up even 30 minutes early, you can start your day off on the right foot. Whether you give yourself time to meditate or pack lunches for the day, you can feel less rushed and more at ease as you start your day.
Are you looking for something more out of life? Have you ever considered becoming a Pink Zebra consultant? Learn why you should by giving me a call today!