Moms, Pack This Summer With Family Fun! | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

Summer may not officially arrive for a few more weeks, but who are we kidding?! It’s summer!

Whether you’re a SAHM, a Pink Zebra consultant or work in a corporate setting, we all want a chance to make more memories with our children during the summer months before they go back to school this fall. But where do you start?

Establish a Summer Schedule

When the summer season begins, the routine tends to fall by the wayside. However, what if you made a summer routine? Everyone would have a schedule and know what to expect, which could also help you avoid hearing, “Mom, I’m bored” all summer long.

Make sure you include in the schedule a variety of activities, including days of chores, crafts and outdoor events! Perhaps Tuesdays can be laundry day, while Wednesdays are for crafting.

Then make one day a week an outing with the family. From checking out the activities happening at the Houston Zoo to hosting a picnic at the local park, there are a number of ways to have fun as a family this summer. The sky is the limit!

Put Your Kids in Charge

While a summer schedule is important, you also want to make sure your children have some input. Chores won’t exactly be their idea of fun. But they might be more willing participants in the Laundry and Dusting days if they know some of their summer wishes will be fulfilled.

Therefore, have your children put together their own “Summer Bucket List” of things they would like to do before the summer ends. Then, depending on what they put on their list, work them in to your summer calendar.

Try Out a Summer Camp

If possible, you might also want to check out the summer camps in your area to see if there are any that might interest your child.

Camps are not only a great way to help entertain your children during the summer, but they also tend to give children the ability to meet new people. In addition, they are able to learn new skills, such as how to build a fire or cook without a stove.

Are you looking for a career that gives you more chances to enjoy family fun? I’d love to talk with you about Pink Zebra!