Stay Ahead of a Busy Fall Season! | Sandi Parkey Pink Zebra Independent Consultant

Fall has just begun—and yet it already feels crazy! I’m not the only one feeling this way, right?!

Fortunately, with these tips, you can start to find the fun in the fall season rather than being exhausted after every busy day.

Fall Out of the Stress Game

Are you feeling exhausted trying to keep up with work, after-school activities and everything in between? Let’s look at some ways to ease that stress and chaos:

First, you want to make sure that you don’t accept the pressure that comes with being a mom. If you’re too busy to be an assistant coach to your daughter’s cheer team or don’t have time to set up for the winter formal, remember that it’s OK to say no. In fact, it’s even healthy to say no.

As much of a superwoman as you are, you cannot do everything. Therefore, push back against the pressure to say yes to everything and start saying yes to yourself instead.

Second, when you can, turn off your devices. From smartphones to tablets to computers, technology is everywhere, and it can take up more of our time than we realize.

Therefore, just like you limit your children to only a few hours of screen time a day, perhaps it is time that you do the same for yourself.

You can spend the time you would have spent in front of the screen on other things, such as making fall crafts with your children or finally reading that book you have had on your nightstand for months.

Finally, don’t forget to create a schedule so that you are sure to not over-plan your days. If you see you have a day full of meetings, try to limit your after-work activities.

If you can’t, see where you can delegate. For instance, can someone else pick your child up from soccer practice so that you can go straight home after work to have a 10-minute breather before cooking dinner?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak. Remember, work smarter, not harder!

Are you ready to fall in love with a new career this season? Contact me today to learn more about joining the Pink Zebra team.